The picnic was canceled last week because of rain were forecast until the last moment ... But of course they are planted ...
By cons, for sure: it will be sunny tomorrow so we end up tomorrow night around 19pm at Central Park for a picnic!
The RV point remains the same. I remind you are my good indication ... (Many of reactions, some insults too (!), About this information ! It warms my heart!)
So: Take the Columbus Circle entrance side.
There are several ways: take the middle left of the statue.
Cross the road at traffic lights;
Take the small road directly opposite. It rises slightly.
Up to the top of the mini hill and on the front lawn will be no fencing on your right. (Not far from the playground for children)
I remind you that less than 5 minutes from the entrance to the park and the lawn so if after 30 mins you always turn: vs. call me! 646 678 2861 (charlotte)
- to
eat - drink
+ maps (fans will recognize ... uno), football (I'll be goalie), ect ....
I mind:
candles, ect ...
(+ Cognac!)
you tomorrow at Central Park.