Saturday, November 28, 2009

Honeywell Rth3100c For Rheem

Chez Big Mau

Sorry for the lack of news, I'm still without internet at home, I'm at the library right now, it gets heavy. I pray that my neighbors are nice, I put a little note explaining my disappointment in two mailboxes, we'll see.

After two weeks well rotted, it was better yesterday and today by cons, it caiiiiiille! But it's not very serious. So what has happened in recent days. Let's time to reverse. Last night I went to dinner with Maureen Bryce, director of language department at Bo'ness Academy. I took the train from Linlithgow to Falkirk, where Eileen (a teacher), her husband John and Laura (another teacher) were waiting. We all spun around the four Edinburgh. We found out there Xu Fang and Lorena, the other assistants in the school. We started the evening with Kir and was arrested over alcohol after! Soon an empty glass, someone re-filled! Awesome! And me as French, after Wine Country, I had to look good "but no, I'm not too drunk, but yes I had my bottle of wine ..." I swear! The evening was excellent, Maureen is a very good host, we have fun with it all the time! John returned to pick us up so that I am at the time the last train and go.

Thursday was the day "Comely Park Primary School and I got a job! The French teacher who gives extra courses for those who want to have a friend whose daughter needs tutoring because she does not have French this year but needs to do next year to enter the program qu'elle veut à l'université. Elle veut donc rester au niveau. Je vais la rencontrer jeudi prochain.

Voilà pour les nouvelles de cette semaine, il y en a plein à venir : ceilidh à Bo'ness avec les élèves les plus grands, marché de Noël à Edimbourgh avec des élèves aussi, repas de Noël avec les membres du département des langues... le mois de décembre va être chargé !

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pontiac Aztek Camping Equipment

Envoyés Très Spéciaux

Lundi (hier) je suis allée au cinéma. Une de mes profs, Eileen, est venue me cherhcer à Grangemouth, on a filé à Bo'ness où on a retrouvé Sandra, una autre prof, puis les 4 élèves "Advanced Higher" (My 6th grade, which are excellent in French): Russell, Graham, Natasha and Hannah. We all share towards Linlithgow station to take the train to Edinburgh. Is this legal in France to take students in your own car? In short, we arrived a little late in Edinburgh, Eileen has booked the restaurant for 6 hours (early evening menu requires), and runs until the "blue house" which as its name seemed to indicate, however, does not have a menu French. Or not entirely. I take haggis starter and a vegetarian couscous (very hot and spicy) main dish.

Direction ensuite le cinéma, petit chocolat chaud avant le film, et donc film, pas tout mal finalement, une bonne comédie à la française comme il y en a beaucoup. Sandra me dépose à Falkirk en rentrant. Très bonne soirée au final. C'est cool de voir les élèves ailleurs que dans la salle de classe. Et je me suis rendue compte qu'ils ont seulement 3 à 4 ans de moins que moi > <

Sinon, je suis dans une période riche en rêves, et Bruno Wolkowitch dedans deux nuits de suite. D'abord, je suis avec Alecto à Mûrs Erigné (49) et nous avons entendu parler d'un espèce de salon de thé qui est soi disant une terreur. Nous retrouvons là down friends, and finally this tea room is a bit like our HQ. The server is Florent Grimaud, with whom I was in school. Then it turns into Bruno Wolkowitch , then Luke Perry and Michael Madsen finally . The next night I just dream that Bruno Wolkowitch is my boyfriend and it is in my room but my room before, with the crib and the bedside lamp with doll-music box. Wouh!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Driver For A Netopia Ter/gusb2-n Wireless Usb

31C Vicar Street

moved here I am!

So the end of my real estate adventures. Finally I hope. Last Thursday (the 12th) I went visiter un appartement à deux pas de la guest house où j'étais depuis 3 semaines et demi. Il m'a tout de suite plu et j'ai dit Banco à Gordon Stead, le proprio. Il avait encore deux trois trucs à faire dedans, l'appart a donc été prêt mercredi (le 18). Je vais allumer la lumière parce que je ne vois plus rien, il est 15h33. Voilà, donc je suis dans cet appart depuis mercredi et tout va bien ! C'est grand, un peu sombre mais bon, on est en Ecosse en même temps... je vous mettrais des photos dans pas longtemps. Il y a encore deux trois trucs à régler, comme par exemple les poubelles, je ne sais pas où les mettre ! Et internet ! Là je suis sur le modem usb (gracieusement) offert by Elise for my birthday, but I'm not sure that it is the best solution. Anyway for those who are interested, rack Saturday around 7 am: D Ma new address: 31C Vicar Street, Falkirk FK1 1LL

Otherwise, some news like this: I'm going to the cinema tomorrow with my 6th grade class to see Very Special Envoys to the French Film Festival in Edinburgh, I'm not sure that that is the best film in the lineup but hey, we'll see! I have also been invited to one of my teachers Friday. And it will be time to start Christmas shopping!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Breast Feeding A Old Man

Kia Rouge

It is high time that I tell you my weekend.

therefore began Friday, the 2D and fetch me from the car to the garage, a Kia red, I do not know what model. After some concerns (the girl at the counter could not read the license number for example), we leave. Hallglen direction to get Claire and Anna, aka Jojoto, his sister. Then we cut the road to Glengoyne Distillery. The beginning is a bit messy and the tension rises a bit in the car (not easy to lead someone in another language) but eventually the road is really beautiful, you see sheep on the road, along a beautiful loch ...
The visit to the distillery is interesting, we are entitled to a wee dram whiskey 10 years of age before the visit (the youngest whiskey that comes out of the distillery), a short film and go. The tour lasts about half an hour, the guide is a little hard to follow, many technical terms ... However, we understand that you can not go into the warehouse to see the drums because the air over there is so saturated with alcohol that merely by remaining 10 minutes to breathe, you feel upset! Claire and Anna are entitled to a wee dram 17 years of age after the visit. Small passage then forced the store we take the road to Glasgow for the ceilidh dancing. The road sucks less than I had thought. Galley we arrived in Glasgow just for parking but ultimately we fail on George Square to eat our picnic. Directorate for Sloans Ceilidh only to be turned back, it was not booked and there is a wedding and they all go to the ceilidh, sorry. In spite O'Neils we end where we play at King's, 2D with water> <> <)

Saturday, 2D keep the car and are responsible for making the garage. Claire, Anna, Manuel and I, led by Jennifer to leave St Andrews for a journée culturello-maritime. La route est sympa, musique, déconnade, pont... Arrivés à St Andrews nous visitons le château (qui ressemble pas mal à celui de Bothwell pour ceux qui connaissent), dont la partie la plus fun doit être un bout de tunnel construit par des protestants voulant envahir le château (si j'ai bien compris), avant d'aller déjeuner au North Point, un café-sandwich merveilleux. Pour ma part un bol de soupe maison, un sandwich jambon de Parme, fromage suisse, sweet-chili et des brownies Belges plus tard, je suis repue. Il est temps de faire notre sport : visite de la cathédrale en ruine et escalade de la tour carrée : 356 marches dans un escalier en colimaçon très étroit. After that, it's time to hit the road as night falls! It is at least 5 hours! Jennifer deposited cahcun home but Claire and Anne come home to play Kings lovely evening:)

links to images that are too big for me to publish them all on that note.

Glengoyne Whisky Distillery &

St Andrews :
le château et son tunnel

la cathédrale et la tour carrée.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can Icut A Phiten Necklace

J'ai mal aux knuckles

Voilà maintenant 4 ou 5 fois que je vais au Kung Fu, j'ai pensé que ça serait bien de raconter un peu comment ça se passe. L'instructeur s'appelle Jason Friel et il ya toujours un ou deux autres profs avec lui. On commence toujours pas un "échauffement" : course sur place et quand il le dit on fait ce qu'il dit (pompes, abdos, enchainements de mouvements rapides...) ce soir par exemple c'était 5 pompes, puis 5 pompes et 5 abdos, puis 5 pompes, 5 abdos et 5 enchainements de sauts. Et puis on fait aussi des pompes sur les poings (ie le titre ;) ). Après ça, par deux, on étire nos jambes : dos au mur, le partenaire te lève la jambe le plus haut possible et tient quelques temps. Puis la même mais sur le côté.

After that, it is a result of punches or kicks online. And then, everyone works he has to work. I'm working with someone who'm training to learn the basic defenses for punches and kicks, you need to know to pass the first belt. And it goes asez quickly because the course only lasts an hour. Voila! And today the teacher told me about a Christmas release of the club organizes every year, and if I want, despite my recent entry into the club, I could go. I will say again that!

If today was my day shot. I flooded the kitchen with my laundry, I forgot to bring ou pay for the Kung Fu and I've lost / forgotten my keys to the gym.

Other news: I bought a leather jacket (end imitation) and we rented a car to go out and about on Friday. Claire's sister is there and we're going to see a distillery and we will return to Glasgow ceilidh in the evening, for once we will not be limited by the train schedules!