Wednesday, December 16, 2009

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Flemme, quand tu nous tiens

Yeah, it's been a while, and I have no excuses, there's been stuff and I'm not sick or unhappy, I just had an attack of acute laziness on blog. Let

1. Chris and Greig . After making his Braveheart DVD Chris, I thought it was maybe more, and indeed, he lent me a whole case, about one About 40 dvds, not to my taste but all the good stuff in the lot (I'm already a Spiderman and X-Men 1 and 2). Otherwise, they were both invited to a Christmas dinner on Monday night (the menu: sofa pie, steak pie, peas, garlic balls and potato croquettes, apple butter and caramel dessert .) crackers have not worked but otherwise it was a wonderful evening. Once again Chris has forgotten stuff from me (a puff of 4 in this case, and his i-pod, recovered the next day). It came with Claire, the owner of it and me to the cinema on Wednesday evening, and then we shared a pizza both before the start of Wanted. Today Thursday, Claire and I are past Greig see his agency to say bye-bye. They have both promised a good party to celebrate the New Year in our return.

2. My return. It was a bit rushed, advanced 24 to 18. Here tonight I'm still not sure that my flight will not be canceled because of bad weather but otherwise in less than 15h I'm in France. That makes me a little weird, I'm not sure why, maybe I feel that this experience is not over and it is not the time to leave Scotland. But a break will do much good!

3. Kung Fu . I am almost done (special kassdédie Claire) to spend my white belt, I had a passing grade white last week, I missed that bit but ... we'll see in September: D

4. Teachers. School Bo'ness is really great. There was a ceilidh hosted by the students of 5th and 6th year on 9 and one of my teachers had invited us to eat something at home before, there was Claire, Lorena, Maureen and me, and of course the teacher, Eileen and her husband John. The guy is a fan of music, he has about 4000 cds> <>

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Labelled Diagram Of A Cruise Ship

truce confectioners


WEEK FROM 21 TO 25 December

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Get A Sponsor For A Wedding

J'ai vu Braveheart !

Hey, I did not blunder, but the previous post was the 40th! It is very important indeed. Go, my weekend so déhronologique yet. There, I just made a quarter of an hour of Kung Fu, do not lose the hand! Before that I had lunch at 15h. Before that household, it needed it ^ ^ 'a few episodes of House as a late to start sleeping in the day! Well, if two events Saturday: 1 Christmas Shopping in Edinburgh avec Claire, 2 j'ai regardé Braveheart toujours avec Claire. On s'est retrouvées à Edinburgh vers 11h et demi et on a commncé par le marché de Noël (allemand la marché) avec comme dans tous les marchés de Noël les échoppes de bonnets péruviens et de vin chaud. Crêpes pour le déjeuner et shopping encore tout l'aprem. Je trouve quelques trucs, pour les petits surtout, et nous retrouvons Lorena en fin d'après-midi pour un tour de grande roue ! C'est une première pour moi (il n'est jamais trop tard), le premier tour est un peu flippant, les deux suivants beaucoup moins ! De retour à Falkirk, nous commandons une pizza, la mangeons devant X-Factor (d'ailleurs, Claire, qui est parti ?) et regardons donc Braveheart. Verdict ? Pas mal, le film à absolument éviter en français, ça ne m'a pas réconcilié avec Mel Gibson mais bon, un film sur l'Ecosse, même si la vérité historique est un peu malmenée est forcément un bon film, de très belles images !

Friday, December 4, 2009

Gpsphone Cheat Pokemon Sapphire

Io ho vent'uno anni

Oui, je ne vous ai jamais parlé de ça mais je prends des cours d'italien aussi en ce moment. Lorena donne des cours pour le personnel après l'école. Du coup je sais dire comment je m'appelle, mon âge, où j'habite, ce que je fais comme boulot... c'est fun.

Sinon, nous sommes allés dîner chez le voisin yesterday. It's definitely a good guy and Greig is a good cook. For once the girls were in the minority, and men were in the kitchen! On the menu: garlic bread with cherry tomatoes and shallots, szechuan chicken on a bed of pasta (sic) with red and yellow peppers and cheese of the Orkney Islands with crackers. The apartment is very bare Chris, male! With wall paintings made by himself! And pretty good, geometric patterns such as tables in the ground but Michael Arnault in red black and silver. The evening passes quickly and well, and he lends me Braveheart! Is not it great?

Otherwise, what news? I had a visit from the guy's gas this morning (8:55> <) j'ai maintenant le chauffage dans le salon, chouette ! Après qu'il soit parti je suis retournée au lit, je n'avais pas fini ma nuit. Il fait grave froid, mes gants ne me suffisent plus, j'ai les mains toutes sèches.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Craft Thread Bracelet Music Note Design

A Chris

is decided, my neighbor is a God! Where I leave it? Let me explain. Last week, about Tuesday I went to see my neighbor asking him if he could not afford to use its network. He replied that he did not have internet in his apartment and uses the internet to work. Vexed, I invite still to go on Saturday for early teuf I'm with friends. After that I put words in the mailboxes of neighbors below, just in case. Arrive on Saturday, and Chris (the neighbor) se pointe vers 10h avec son pote Greig. A la maison il y a Claire, Manu et Lorena, dèjà bien dans la fête, en train de pique-niquer dans le salon (j'ai toujours pas de table). La soirée est très très fun et Greig nous invite à dîner chez Chris le jeudi le la semaine suivante (demain quoi si vous suivez). Finalement, Chris me dit qu'il a une Skybox mais qu'il ne l'utilise pas, qu'il se peut qu'il aie internet en fait, il sait pas puisque lui ne l'utilise pas. Très bien dis-je mais j'ai besoin d'un mot de passe pour me connecter. Il promet de le chercher et voilà.

Mardi, je frappe chez Chris pour avoir des nouvelles de cette connexion internet. Il me dit qu'il will look and wonder if it is still operational for dinner Thursday. We had not really taken it seriously but Greig was then ... Anyway, when I get home from Kung Fu I find a word in my mailbox, with a password, and then a few words, like Thursday and confirmed to me that kind of stuff. And his number and "text me, since I'll be out." Well, the password is not working then this morning, I'm now in my turn a little note, with confirmation of the arrival of Manuel and Claire tomorrow and telling him that his password does not work. In short, it all ended tonight with a call to Sky and getting the correct password and I am connected ! I said of course dédomagement proposed, but no, it means nothing. At my insistence he finally said "a bottle of French wine from time to time")

Well, I have a very very nice neighbor.