Edito Philippe Pérusat, Mayor Andernos-les-Bains and Joel CLAVE, Deputy Mayor and Organizer Cabins Holiday
Dear Public HUTS
FEAST DAY HUTS is an event. It is above all a very nice human history as we love them.
A bold idea, an original concept, an innovative organization, enthusiasm, passionate, generous partnership, a site of traditions, a shared drive and a heady exultation are the best assurances of a new great success for the second edition of "HOUSES IN CELEBRATION." If
providence shows itself even less forgiving, the pleasure of the feast we carry, we sublimate. Humanity we will unite in a joyful force that adapts to all events. That of the heart and joy to bring you our happiness is already successfully surmounted. What a delight to offer you our pleasure.
The meeting mobilizes worlds beyond our dear Andernosiens so happy and proud to promote their beautiful city through the winter rendezvous of HUTS IN CELEBRATION.
Immediately after the stunning success of the first edition, the team rebounded DAY HUTS to work hard. The steering committee, the entertainment department of the city, municipal services such techniques, many volunteers and actors, oyster farmers, winemakers, chefs, artists, companies competed imagination to reconstruct the big stage festive oyster port Andernos-les-Bains and offer genuine moments of happiness and celebration.
A huge THANK YOU to those countless inspirational wishes.
we wanted:
• A true public at home, across the basin and its small towns and villages
• A live audience of friends and relatives of crew in each cabin or workshop
• A true public native came with their families, their friends, their country
• A true professional audience enterprising
• A real audience of lovers of the Basin from near, from far away to enjoy the strong identity our land and sea so endearing even more beautiful in winter
All ready to declare a party with an exhilarating desire to have fun, laugh, sing, eat, socialize .... to be happy together .
fervently we have prepared this appointment to meet you and surprise you again with: • A new
• A new decor with beautiful wings housing the aisles
• New cabins and workshops
• New Bandas
• New shows in a larger tent and a giant screen
• New chefs and their delicate recipes
• New Castles of the vineyard Entre2Mers
• New traditional boats
• New artists ...
But always with the same welcoming spirit, generous and festive!
Let yourself be swept by the tip of the heart in the magic of HUTS in FEAST that invites us to bliss. Let take you through so many emotions that we share.
We wish you a wonderful walk in the authenticity of the unreal. We expect
Saturday, December 4, 2010 ...
Joel CLAVÉ ; ; Philippe Pérusat
Deputy Mayor - Tourism, Entertainment ; Mayor Andernos-les-Bains