"The class war" by François Ruffin is a work safety public, who says aloud what many dare to think quietly.
The book is about class struggle, growing inequality worldwide and increasing the concealment of this fact. Many do not dare even use terminology like "class struggle", considered dated, "cheesy" as she describes the situation perfectly, however. Only to see yet the reality is the wealthy, and they rejoice. The author cites the billionaire Warren Buffett (who said "The class war exists is a fact, but it is mine, the class of the rich, who conducts this war, and we trying to win it ") or the economic daily La Tribune, and we understand they do not bother with prejudice. In fact, at the same time that the terminology is a whole section which is ideological abandoned by those who want the forces of progress, the left.
Through the example of the Socialist Party, but also other parties (even Besancenot) the author depicts the resignation in the face of liberalism. The left parties, According to him, wallow in maudlin rhetoric, sordid, without seeking responsible, without proposing an alternative that can really change things. According to him, the left parties, since the 80s, trying to be less and less to the left, and compete in reassuring signals to the wealthy.
The explanation on the PS, due firstly to the electoral base and supporter of the party, which has largely ceased to be a result of the working class to rely on the Public and the middle class, whose problems are not all the same. Then, managers of that party does not know the reality of the cause they claim to defend, as being from the bourgeoisie, the workers' struggles or simply poverty are abstract concepts for them. Political commitment is simply left for them a path to success, and they do not hesitate to change lanes if another promising more open to them (like Kouchner and Besson).
This book is a vitriolic portrait of "left" contemporary terribly accurate, and the whole mechanics of what must be called a betrayal is dissected. The only criticism one can make to it, however, is that by pretending prepare the death certificate of the left, he took part in this renunciation, however, he seeks to denounce.
I must say that this book opened my eyes too, especially on this blog, I tend to just point to what is wrong, without attempting to propose another way. I'll try to change that, and put as much as possible in my articles that I think could be done without pretension, just pure fuel the debate. I am well aware that this is a completely different story and it's not nearly as simple as using his capacity for indignation to say what's wrong. We'll see what happens to it. Feel free to tell me what you think.
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