Monday, March 29, 2010
Answers To Lab Eight Hardy-weinberg Problems
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Ovulating And Running
week that has passed very quickly between Monday and Thursday, then very slowly until Sunday.
Monday: Nothing to say, normal day Grangemouth High, and I pre-register for the entrance test to the teacher training institutes in the academy of Nantes.
Tuesday: Day in Glasgow: "Theatre" event organized by the French Institute. Eight schools were up 8 pieces in French and are judged on their language as well as dramatic play itself. I am with students from Grangemouth who staged an adaptation of the giant red socks. In the end, they leave with the Jury Prize, a prize that does not mean much, since each room had a price and other prices were much more accurate : Price of the tongue or Best Director, Best Adapted or ... Kung Fu in the evening, I finally have my belt, for real. I am now "officially approved" completely.
Wednesday: Day Normal to Bo'ness Academy.
Thursday: Comely Park Primary normal. French all day, between P1 and P6. The evening comes to eat Manual (homemade pizza) and film: The Big Lebowski.
Friday: Morning at the library for internet, Claire comes to eat after school and then it's Bronwyn French courses. In the evening the school hosted an evening Claire " horse race. " They fund a trip to Gambia this summer. There are 8 races, 8 horses per race, you bet, you look at the race, we grab the winnings if the horse wins. I spent 8 pounds, won 2. There are more buses to return, so I walk home, very pleasant evening walk, not cold at all.
Saturday: Encore library. Then I pass among the tattooist to make an appointment. It will be April 2. Afternoon math and rugby in the evening, BTW. Grand Slam hat.
Sunday: typical day Sunday: TV, maths, re ... TV
Bonus: my new friends:
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Cash Bridal Shower Poem
Obviously, only Alsace can still possibly remain in the grip of the UMP. As a native of Alsace (I'm still enrolled in Wissembourg), so I will go and vote without enthusiasm I must say, the union list for PS-EA, next Sunday.
The challenge for now is to weaken the UMP, Sarkozy and the government as much as possible, to lessen the damage they will do by 2012, although the PS and the Greens (or whatever they call themselves today) are far off the mark and does not seem to want to distance themselves from liberalism.
The score of the Left Front seems to me promising, but their immediate alliance with the PS and the Greens makes them suspicious of being mere auxiliaries responsible for bringing in the right way "Lost" still really wanting to vote left .
What, then, knowing that the NPA has made a disappointing score? I wonder about the post-Regional ...
Monday, March 15, 2010
What Do You Wear When Going To A Gay Sauna
The first round of regional elections in 2010 is already full of lessons:
-The UMP is massively disavowed by citizens
-wait strategy of PS (change nothing and wait for the disappointment and problems do back voters) turn out to pay unfortunately. It'll be harder than ever to make the PS left-
Modem died
-NPA's strategy, aimed at unifying the party left the PS, is a failure
-score of FN shows that the strategy of UMP to make people "immigrant" responsible for much of France's problems unfortunately encountering some success
-blown The Green European elections in 2009 is largely fallen
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Biggest Boobs Melina Velba
Alors, comme promis, résumé de la semaine :
Semaine normale, pas vraiment d’évènement marquants. En vrac, je me mets à bosser les maths niveau collège, pour le test d’entrée à l’IUFM de Nantes. C’est trèèèès très loin. Comme la masterisation des concours de Professeurs des Ecoles nous permet de nous inscrire n’importe où, je me suis préinscrite dans l’académie de Montpellier (ça n’engage à rien !) avec comme possibilités : Perpignan, Nimes, Carcassonne, Montpellier and Mende.
This aprem I went to see the rugby match between France and Italy to the pub with Manu. France has won (of course: p) 46 to 20.
Kung Fu Tuesday is better now that I know a little better people! And for the first time with the club's jersey! It only needs the belt, due to arrive soon J
Monday evening, just back from school, one of my teachers sent me a text message: there is a junior dance competition (1st, 2 nd and 3rd years) of area colleges in Stirling (Including groups of Grangemouth) and has a ticket too, is what I'm interested? Of course, I accept . The evening is divided into 2 parts: groups of less than 6 dancers and more than 6 after the break. The largest group is 35 people! Each group has two minutes to make a choreography. Very nice evening, very good dancers. Grangemouth and sometimes 2 nd !
Tuesday I not work, it's kitchen: I bought flour 'flavored' to make bread. I made some rolls with parmesan and dried tomatoes. A treat, especially with olive oil and Italian ham, bruschetta way!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Watch Gakkou No Kaidan Online With Subtitle
Sunday March 14 and Sunday, March 21, 2010 will be held in France the regional elections. What message does it send this opportunity to the political class in general and in particular government? Of course, this is only my opinion, but it must of interest to you, since you take the trouble to read (thank you, by the way).
In government, Sarkozy, a majority of right, the UMP and its tails (New Center, Modern Left):
-We are very unhappy with the reforms undertaken since 2007
-We disagree with the government's action
-We want the democratically elected government not to resume the economic power-
We want the government to stop keeping the people of France, of French nationality or not, against each other
-We want the economy of France is for the well-being of the people of France, not the reverse-
We want effective public services having the human and financial resources of their mission-
We want the government debt is mastered
-We want unemployment is falling and everyone can have a job that can meet his needs and those of his family
-We want the government ceases to operate in insecure or authoritarian electoral purposes
-We want a return to the values of human rights, democracy and rule Law-
We oppose the authoritarian who has held since 2007-
We oppose a Europe that deprives citizens of their democratic rights. If Europe can not be democratic, it must not be
the PS and the Greens:
-You must stop waiting for the electorate to back you simply out of spite of power right up. This attitude leads people to despair
-You must regain a leftist party
-You must break with the liberal ideology, which led France and the world to global poverty
leftist parties: What
- you meet is stronger than what divides you, if you are sincere. Cease to compete and unite in order to weigh, for the people
At Modem, who dreams only of becoming the UMP in place of the UMP, and the FN, who made the hatred and division's goodwill, I have nothing to say.
The left (or what the press calls it that) may well emerge victorious in these elections. It is also necessary that voters are moving. If you're unhappy, say so! Go vote! Refrain is playing into the hands of those in power!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Has Jefree Star Had His Pines Removed?
Hiya. I know I have not given a lot of news lately. But at the same time it often happens very little. So I decided, like my cousin Alecto, make a note every Sunday to take stock of the week. It sounds good? Good.
Well then begin immediately. This weekend was pretty eventful. First, Lorena share today, it must be on the plane right now. So we went out this week views. It started Tuesday, when she brought lunch for everyone in the staff room, and Italian, meaning there were three times too! She even made a tiramisu!
Wednesday last being Italian, Lorena gave us a fake diploma J
Thursday at school, children attend a live lecture given by an English writer, and I've made a game dominoes with the colors in French. The evening party with Claire, Lorena and Chris with the leftovers of Tuesday noon, plus a banana chocolate cake made by me ('Could use a bit of wallnut' according to Chris)
Friday, the mail carrier pulls me out of bed to go sign a registered letter is my bachelor's degree, sent by the Catholic! (I even mention!) My student tutoring proves to be quite late and she was trembling, almost crying ... I get back so warm. The night is bowling club Kung Fu. Good opportunity to know people. I'm doing pretty good, three strikes in a row in the second part, which I came second J At one point, Jonathan (yellow belt) comes up to me say "just talking with my girlfriend, she is fluent French. "We're talking about two three minutes before it tells me" yes, I went to France for my studies in Angers. "I made him repeat it anyway to be sure, but then we spent a good three minutes to say" oh my God, the world is small, ptain is incredible, wow! "Some people want a drink in town, I propose to follow and accept. They are all a little older than me, and I feel like the little sister they make me confidences ('You see, Emilia came out with Colin before so it's normal if it is a bit tense'), m 'offer to drink ("You connais pas tel truc, vas-y je t’en offre un c’est trop bon’)… Nous finissons à trois dans la boite de nuit voisine. Très bonne soirée finalement !
Samedi, deux des profs de Bo’ness, Eileen et Laura emmène Lorena faire un tour des attractions culturelles et lieux touristiques du coin, et m’ont proposé de me joindre à elles. Nous commençons par The Pineapple, un espèce de château avec une tour en forme d’ananas, mais le lieu n’est pas très entretenu et finalement assez peu intéressant. Ensuite, nous visitons Culross, un petit port qui était avant très prospère et qui a gardé en état ses maisons des 16 et 18è siècles. Il y a le Culross Palace et la Culross Abbey, mais tout les deux n’ouvrent qu’en avril. Seul les jardins du palace sont ouverts, et assez chouettes, avec beaucoup de plantes aromatiques, et des poules ! Nous déjeunons à South Queensferry, un autre port de l’autre côté du Forth of Fife (pour ceux qui situent géographiquement l’endroit), dans l’auberge qui est cité dans l’île au trésor de Stevenson. Après un petit tour en ville, nous rentrons. Le soir, Claire et moi allons voir Alice in Wonderland en 3D au cinéma. Bon film, très Disney, pas très Burton. Fin si en fait, mais Burton de ces dernières années, Charlie et la Chocolaterie et Big Fish. De très belles images et des bons jeux d’acteurs… et un clin d’œil écossais, alors tout va bien !
Rogers Online Protection Problems

Florence Aubenas had a great reputation having been a hostage in Iraq in 2005. The book she published in February 2010 has nothing to do with conflicts in the Middle East. This is a story situ illustrating the social situation in France in 2009 (February-July).
She posed as an unemployed, newly divorced, not having worked long and having no other qualification that the tray. To improve its anonymity, she moved to Caen in Normandy.
The world it depicts is terrifying. Guided by the job center to work as a cleaner, she worked at the time for CSD underpaid or temporary contracts. Despite the need to own a car and a mobile phone to be able to provide these jobs, it will never win over 700 € a month for the 6 month period of his reporting.
Obviously, some employers have sensed a windfall and shamelessly exploit a whole population of people who have lost all hope.
is a world of poverty and insecurity that is described in detail, from the inside.
She scratches at the job center passage itself, with its business logic, his lack of perspective, its formations cans, only for its red tape to help remove the unemployed, its subcontractors side of the plate and the fears of his agents for their own jobs, despite their heavy workload.
A book to read to understand how France has already fallen down, how much misery it spread and how people are already resigned.
The disaster is upon us duly announced.