Florence Aubenas had a great reputation having been a hostage in Iraq in 2005. The book she published in February 2010 has nothing to do with conflicts in the Middle East. This is a story situ illustrating the social situation in France in 2009 (February-July).
She posed as an unemployed, newly divorced, not having worked long and having no other qualification that the tray. To improve its anonymity, she moved to Caen in Normandy.
The world it depicts is terrifying. Guided by the job center to work as a cleaner, she worked at the time for CSD underpaid or temporary contracts. Despite the need to own a car and a mobile phone to be able to provide these jobs, it will never win over 700 € a month for the 6 month period of his reporting.
Obviously, some employers have sensed a windfall and shamelessly exploit a whole population of people who have lost all hope.
is a world of poverty and insecurity that is described in detail, from the inside.
She scratches at the job center passage itself, with its business logic, his lack of perspective, its formations cans, only for its red tape to help remove the unemployed, its subcontractors side of the plate and the fears of his agents for their own jobs, despite their heavy workload.
A book to read to understand how France has already fallen down, how much misery it spread and how people are already resigned.
The disaster is upon us duly announced.
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