De retour au pays Après une nuit tourmentée, malade et réveil à 4h (Bouhouh) nous prenons la route, Papa et moi to the airport Charles de Gaulle. We try a detour off the highway but quickly retrace path, the road disappearing under the snow Oo Airport Arrival, registration, waiting, searching, waiting, boarding, waiting off! The French sky being covered delle we only see through the windows but on the ground Brittan than snow! Not a cloud, the snowy landscape below, a feast for the eyes. Landing without incident, except that it is -8 on Scottish soil: D I catch a quick bus to downtown Glasgow, a train more quickly (arrived 2:41 p.m. at the station, train 14:45 !) came to Falkirk, I advise snowy sidewalks well, I think it would be wiser to take a taxi rather than risk my bones on that slippery ... got home around 15:30. Texto Claire announces that his visit to the Haure! Time to open my mail and unpack my suitcase. We discussed a bit, then a little shopping for dinner (it was planned vegetable broth and vegetables: carrots, potatoes, turnips and parsnips, leek it no longer the idiots ...) finally drinking all the vegetables water so that will directly vegetables with vinegar, hummm a treat! The while watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, good evening. Bed at 21h, one night from 12pm, pfui it feels good! Except that my electric meter beeps every 30 seconds, something he did not before. It's boring.
This morning on waking, it snows. I am a henna and am invited this evening for a drink at the neighbor. Back to business! Well, we planned a movie with Claire so we'll see.