If you live in Paris, you can not escape the advertising campaign for its Google Chrome browser, currently seen in 4 by 3 in the metro.
The campaign, which also takes place in the United Kingdom, has obviously attracted the attention someone finding fault with the privacy issues posed by the omnipresence of Google on the Internet:

(Photo under CC-BY-SA by its author, Bisonbison )
The formulation, which contains a grammatical error, is a reference to the famous meme "All your base are Belong To Us ", known to many users ...
Remember that the Google CEO, Eric Schmidt , recently held an absolute outrage about the subject, saying that "if there are things you want to hide from everyone, you should perhaps do not (sic):
(I should mention that the Blogger blogging platform and sharing site YouTube videos belong to Google. Hopefully nothing will be censored. That would require me to migrate all my articles elsewhere ...)
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