Graff seen in the street. I took pictures for Simon:)
Otherwise, not much new ... end if anyway, last weekend, we went to the movies is Claire and I, accompanied by my two neighbors, Chris and Ali (the one the 3rd floor, who works in the Navy) then shot at Chris. Finally he comes to my house to disconnect the fire alarm that beeps of doom (plus battery) and just at that moment (it is 1 hour and a half mat ') Greig shows up at Chris and cap. That it flows back towards the inside of my apartment and we made it clear to Claire and me, he's not here. Apparently he's sick as always Greig squats at home. Finally, Greig hat at home (I told him no, Chris is not there) and he ended up sitting on the mat! Finally he goes ... Not seen since!
Otherwise, I went to Edinburgh this weekend in Lorena, it was found at the station, then direction "The World of illusions", un espèce de musée sur les effets visuels, les hollogrammes, ce genre de chose... ensuite, cinéma (The Road, excellent). Chez Lorena, c'est pâtes aux anchois, câpres et olives, un régal... qui fait consommer beaucoup d'eau !
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