Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Craft Thread Bracelet Music Note Design

A Chris

is decided, my neighbor is a God! Where I leave it? Let me explain. Last week, about Tuesday I went to see my neighbor asking him if he could not afford to use its network. He replied that he did not have internet in his apartment and uses the internet to work. Vexed, I invite still to go on Saturday for early teuf I'm with friends. After that I put words in the mailboxes of neighbors below, just in case. Arrive on Saturday, and Chris (the neighbor) se pointe vers 10h avec son pote Greig. A la maison il y a Claire, Manu et Lorena, dèjà bien dans la fête, en train de pique-niquer dans le salon (j'ai toujours pas de table). La soirée est très très fun et Greig nous invite à dîner chez Chris le jeudi le la semaine suivante (demain quoi si vous suivez). Finalement, Chris me dit qu'il a une Skybox mais qu'il ne l'utilise pas, qu'il se peut qu'il aie internet en fait, il sait pas puisque lui ne l'utilise pas. Très bien dis-je mais j'ai besoin d'un mot de passe pour me connecter. Il promet de le chercher et voilà.

Mardi, je frappe chez Chris pour avoir des nouvelles de cette connexion internet. Il me dit qu'il will look and wonder if it is still operational for dinner Thursday. We had not really taken it seriously but Greig was then ... Anyway, when I get home from Kung Fu I find a word in my mailbox, with a password, and then a few words, like Thursday and confirmed to me that kind of stuff. And his number and "text me, since I'll be out." Well, the password is not working then this morning, I'm now in my turn a little note, with confirmation of the arrival of Manuel and Claire tomorrow and telling him that his password does not work. In short, it all ended tonight with a call to Sky and getting the correct password and I am connected ! I said of course dédomagement proposed, but no, it means nothing. At my insistence he finally said "a bottle of French wine from time to time")

Well, I have a very very nice neighbor.


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