Sunday, March 14, 2010

Biggest Boobs Melina Velba

Nouvelle semaine

Alors, comme promis, résumé de la semaine :

Semaine normale, pas vraiment d’évènement marquants. En vrac, je me mets à bosser les maths niveau collège, pour le test d’entrée à l’IUFM de Nantes. C’est trèèèès très loin. Comme la masterisation des concours de Professeurs des Ecoles nous permet de nous inscrire n’importe où, je me suis préinscrite dans l’académie de Montpellier (ça n’engage à rien !) avec comme possibilités : Perpignan, Nimes, Carcassonne, Montpellier and Mende.

This aprem I went to see the rugby match between France and Italy to the pub with Manu. France has won (of course: p) 46 to 20.

Kung Fu Tuesday is better now that I know a little better people! And for the first time with the club's jersey! It only needs the belt, due to arrive soon J

Monday evening, just back from school, one of my teachers sent me a text message: there is a junior dance competition (1st, 2 nd and 3rd years) of area colleges in Stirling (Including groups of Grangemouth) and has a ticket too, is what I'm interested? Of course, I accept . The evening is divided into 2 parts: groups of less than 6 dancers and more than 6 after the break. The largest group is 35 people! Each group has two minutes to make a choreography. Very nice evening, very good dancers. Grangemouth and sometimes 2 nd !

Tuesday I not work, it's kitchen: I bought flour 'flavored' to make bread. I made some rolls with parmesan and dried tomatoes. A treat, especially with olive oil and Italian ham, bruschetta way!


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